Sunday, August 24, 2008

Changes to my life

This coming week starts the end of some things which have been, in my opinion, a bad/unhealthy habit. Some things just have to change, hopefully for the better. And I'm adding certain routines in my lifestyle to keep it at a balance. Lastly, tomorrow marks the day where I need to start putting more effort at my school work and spend less time idling or surfing unnecessarily (Goodbye EDMW. . .).

One of the few things that I'm changing in my lifestyle is keeping junk food away as much as possible. I'm not saying that I'll shun Macs for the rest of my life (I doubt I have that kinda persistence) but rather, I'll keep the weekly visits to maybe a fortnight or once in a blue moon when the craving appears. I have been treating my body like a theme park all my life. I guess it's time to have a slight change.

Honestly, I hate routines. I have never been a routine-freak and time-tables just don't make sense to me. Although routines kind of makes you more efficient in some sense but I find it a little suffocating at times. But I think I need certain routines and I have to trick my mind to follow such routines. For example, one of my "must dos" in my lifetime is to run a full marathon. As some of you folks would know, marathons aren't a walk in the park. You've got to train to run a full one or suffer the after-effect of a 42km walk (I hope to run it full). Hence, I need to start running to train myself for the marathon. Therefore, I've set some goals to trick myself to follow these running routines. Wish me luck!

And finally, it has just sunk in that semester has already started. Work is piling up at the moment and a quiz is due next week! haha! It's my final year in school and I guess I'll just make full use of it to make mistakes and learn as much as possible. Please do not mistake me for being "academically kiasu". Rather, I see it as fulfilling my part as a student looking for knowledge.


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