Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Term is starting soon.

It'll be my last year as an undergraduate and it has been a damn fun roller coaster ride. Now I'm sort of at the last several kilometers of my undergrad marathon. I have not yet seen the finishing line but I know it is drawing near. I still have several hurdles to overcome before the grand finish. Let's say I know of the existence of these hurdles but truthfully, I have no idea how high they would be.

A while ago, I managed to get some work going planning my time-table for the semester. Other than my final year project (FYP), I have three other modules to clear. After the disappointing withdrawal of Advance Operating systems, I had to change my module choice again! Thus, this semester I'm taking EE3207 (Computer Architecture), EE4214 (Real-time embedded system) and LAC1201 (Chinese I).

Of all the listed modules, I'm definitely looking forward to doing EE4214. From the looks of past year module syllabus, it seems that the module combines embedded system with Linux. Reading up on embedded system requirement these days, a lot of developers are moving towards embedded linux systems because they are free and well documented. If I'm not wrong, we'll be looking to use uLinux for our project. Embedded linux systems for the win! haha..

Computer architecture is still alive (contrary to some believe that comp. architecture is long dead) with parralel programming and multi-core vs many core processor systems. I'm looking forward to this too!

I have long delayed my undertaking of the LAC1201 module. Well, since NUS provided free Chinese lessons, why not?

Lastly, my FYP balloting results are just in a few days ago. Luckily for me, I managed to get my second choice and I must say it's an interesting topic which I am looking forward to do! hurhur.. My topic is - Wireless Car Communications with an Embedded System. Basically the project about communication between vehicles using mobile wireless communication devices. I'm going to e-mail my professor in-charge soon.

Wish me luck for the up-coming semester! My holidays was spent beautifully with Mer and my PC. =x


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