Monday, September 1, 2008

After a long break from running long distance, I must say I've nearly gotten back my running form. There were times along the race where it is so so tempting to stop and take a breather. But I know that if I did, I would find it even more tiring to continue running. And the race markers were at the 2km, 6km and 9km - hence, it's kinda difficult to gauge where the mid-point of the race was.

The point where the tiredness kicked it was somewhere after Central shopping centre (about 7+km?). I nearly wanted to stop but I decided to push on to the next drink stop. Towards the end, especially after the 9km marker, the lure of walking was so strong! But it was kind of stupid to stop then because I've already ran like 9km without stopping and there was only several hundred meters left! So I ran - till I reached the finishing like at 58 mins flat! haha..

I broke my personal best of 1hr 4mins (but that was an all-terrain run which included a torturous 2km beach trail). Overall, I think the run was well organized. I had fun and most importantly, it's for a good cause.

I met a few people at the race whom I know. For most part of the event, I ran a lonely race. haha.. Well, here are some pictures from the race. Sadly, I have no pictures of myself. LOL.

My race tag

The sea of reds

At the starting line

P/s: The results are just in - I'm ranked 1000-ish for the race. I must say, there were some really fast kids out there! LOL. Geez.. I'm getting old.


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