Sunday, July 27, 2008
I met a few friends for coffee the other day and out of nowhere, the topic on birth control came into our conversation. We talked about the more common types of contraceptives like condoms, pills and anti-pregnancy patches but somehow we didn't find that they would be convenient in the long-run next time. Especially so if we and our future wives do not want to have kids.
For example, condoms are generally the most convenient contraceptive (not forgetting the multitude types and variety of flavours on the market) to use, but we wondered whether using condoms could be a hassle in the long-run. We did also talk about morning-after pills and anti-pregnancy patches. However, we reasoned that such contraceptive methods could actually do more harm then good; given that there could be a chance that going childless will not be long-term (who knows that a couple could just change their minds one day). Who knows what harmful hidden effects of these pills and patches would bring to an unborn child in the womb on top of the side effects the females usually get using the aforementioned contraceptive methods.
Tying up the female's tube seemed to be an awful choice too, since there could be a possibility (even if it's a small chance) of wanting babies in the future. Thus popped the question - how about vasectomy?
Vasectomy is a surgical process whereby a surgical cut is made on a vessel which carries sperms during ejaculation. Guess what, everyone around the table cringed at the thought of steel touching our balls. LOL.
Unlike the process of tying the fallopian tube, vasectomy has a 70% chance of being reversible. Thus, one who undergo vasectomy could go for a vasovasostomy to allow him to reproduce again. Although the chances are high, majority of us gave the no-no. We gave several reasons to our stand. For example, there is a fear of erectile dysfunction as one of the side effects from vasectomy. On top of that, even though it is a minor operation, most of us fear the pain of the post-op (it was unthinkable). Someone is cutting your balls open for God's sake!
Eventually, we all agreed that it was an "all-or-nothing" decision. If you don't want to have a child, stick with the choice forever (unless one does not mind adopting a kid). Therefore, most of us concurred that tubical ligation (i.e tying the fallopian tube) is the way to go!
Thinking back on our conversation, I felt that somehow we guys were quite selfish in concluding to that decision. Tubical ligation is an irreversible process while there is a large chance that the effects of vasectomy can be reversed. It cost more for the wifey-s as opposed to the hubbies. However, I can't deny that fear is one of the biggest barrier for men to even consider vasectomy as a feasible contraceptive method.
So what do you guys think?
Labels: personal thoughts