Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Taking it easy....

My plan was to set aside time for me to relax after an intense semester. Now that I'm ending my month of relaxation, it is time to get some real work done. Firstly, I would need to get a job. Whatever job it maybe, it has to pay decently and able to let me off in about two month time. I have to start blogging seriously again as my blog traffic have been dropping for the past several month.

I'm also in the midst of choosing my FYP project. It's interesting yet quite scary at the same time. One reason is probably the expectations of the projects that are presented to us. Most of them requires a high degree of specialized skills or skills on some program/topic that I wasn't taught thoroughly. Thus, I guess it's time to pick up a book or two to refresh and re-learn what I probably need for my FYP. I know this sounds insane but we'll see if I will really do this. haha..

I love holidays. They are so carefree!!! wooohooo!


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